Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sex....or no sex

What do u vote for??..Sex or no sex????

If Shakespeare would've been around...He would've immediately penned (or feathered??) down these lines in his next masterpiece...

"Sex....or no sex...that is the question"

But why is it a question??

And why does the indecision loom over?

Above everybody’s head hangs a question mark….Sex….or no sex…

Days before it was only those who understood it…

But now the question has expanded its audience. It has enrolled new members in it’s botheration list. And these new members are the school kids of Maharashtra.

The education minister came out with a brilliant idea of introducing sex education in schools. Or awareness may we call it? And not as a voluntary session or two in a semester.. but as a part of the syllabus. Compulsory sex education. With books maybe and proper lessons.

And guess what???....There was an opposition…from the opposition itself. And fundamentalists….and parents…and liberals….and left…right…center…and all other sides that politics include….with a uniform slogan…

Say NO to sex education!!!!...a clear NO….Refusal!!

NO…we don’t want our kids to know what sex is…



Sex is a taboo
Sex is sin
Sex is anti social
Sex is anti cultural
Sex is a curse
Sex is an act of crime
Sex is a dirty
Sex is this…
Sex is that…
Sex is whatever….

Sex is bad!!!


So…forget being taught of….it shouldn’t be even mentioned….to such an extent that even the three alphabets S E and X should not coagulate

And before children…..never!!!!
How fair is it???

What are we trying to do exactly????

Shielding our kids from it???...and what for???

It has been generations…and kids have been knowing what sex is right from their school days. From one source or the other. Second or third hand information. Sometimes near accuracy and sometimes an amusing deformation of the fact. But they do learn it.

And the audacious lot…perform it too. But in sheer laxity. Safe at times and at times unsafe…unaware of the consequences.

Consequences…the socially detested ones.

Who enlightens them about it??....upon this dark path.???....again their reliable sources…whose reliability again isn’t that reliable in actuality. Or a proper medium of instruction.

Thanks to internet…the accessible gain their chunk of knowledge…But what about those inaccessible.

A newspaper feature once revealed that teenagers in slums used polythene bags to contain their fluids during an intercourse. Not all of them…but some must surely be having schools to attend. What is the problem if they know that even a ‘condom’ can be used in the act.

What is the society so scared of??? Of having a valueless generation??? Of having non-virgins in each home???

Is that what scares us???

The problem is we have tied up ourselves in the bondages of our culture. Culture which we have defined in our own terms and have woven our lives into it. We consider sex as a taboo. Indifferent of religion, caste or creed…we all come crashing to a conclusion that sex is a sin. An act of indecency. And clinging to this belief we live our lives…..Enjoying it. Discussing it sleazily with friends. Cracking jokes upon it. Going to brothels. Dreaming of it all the time. Longing for it. Staring at the other gender. Passing lewd comments. Giving them personal names on their physical attributes. Molesting them. At times going to the extent of raping them. Or even gang raping them. Or even declaring them witches and then raping and then parading them naked around the village. That is what our culture is, which we are so scared to corrupt?? I bet it is worth of all that effort.

Why do we forget that we belong to a land upon which Vatsyayana walked. The creator of Kaam Sutra. The land of Khajuraho. Temples wit walls of mating. The soil of Kalidasa. Whose writing had accepted the intimacy of beings. Have they been forgotten. Or have they been ideally excluded for creating a new draft of culture. Culture of sanctity without the henious touch of sex.

How long are we going to run away from it?? How long will we try to avoid it. As if it is avoidable. When are we going to open our eyes and look at it liberally. When are we going to treat it as an instinct rather than an illicit urge. An instinct like fear or hunger. Or affection. When are we going to stop looking down upon it and accept it as a natural phenomenon. When are we going to grant it a social status???

Or are we going to despise it eternally???

Demeaning it???

The fact is school is too late to educate kids about sex. It has to be earlier. Maybe in the primary years. Like we teach them about other instincts. Like we teach them about religion. Like we teach them the social divisions. Like we teach them hatred. We can always teach them that sex is not a sin. Its just a natural process of reproduction. Without any predomination but like an education. So that they too don’t look at it like a taboo. So that they don’t have an illicit attraction towards it. Like digestion and excretion….let there be reproduction….and not SEX

And as far as politicians are considered…..I would request them to not take any moral stands. Not at least about SEX.