A Pledge I was talking about
No….I was not going to write this blog……tired of being a pessimist…..but I did write it…..I had to…..so am late to post it…..sorry for the delay.
A Pldge
Many Years ago we made a tryst with destiny. And now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge. Not wholly or in full measures…but substantially!!!!!
Okay now!!!!....We are sixty, We are Independent and We have a separate boundary on the world map. We also do have a flag and an army to defend it. Now the great soul….can you please tell me What pledge had to be redeemed???…No no no…m not doubting you if you had made any….I am just a bit curious. I just want to know what the pledge was. So that I can measure to what extent have we been successful in redeeming it. You also said sixty years ago that it had to be done substaintially. I am eager to know wether the substantial pace you mentioned has to what limits fulfilled the oath about which you spoke valiantly before a large assembly of White and Brown men, sixty years ago.
Why am I curious????.....No it is not that obvious for me to guess what the pledge was. I belong to a later generation. Generation born when American influence was either smuggled or brought in form of gifts from relatives settled there. Generation that took shape when pure Indian brands were sold and bought. And foreign brands that existed were very much a part of Indian life and were not the ravenous sharks swallowing every small and large Indian office on the path. We learnt the pledge when American dream did not rest unfulfilled in the eyes of those who taught us what it meant.
And for you…..we were a generation born after your daughter was killed. A generation born after two wars with the nation you once considered your own part. A generation born after the great Emergency. A generation born when India was still a bit of Democratic, Socialist, Republic and whatever the preamble declared it to be.
Now we’ve grown up. We see around. We see things have changed. We play with the thought of being the next superpower. We live in the honour of being an IT power. And we are clogged with high pay scales, multinationals, malls, multiplexes and names with fame spread all around the world. Our eyes are blindened by the strobe lights of development, advancement, empowerment, boom, growth and other such adjectives defining the augmentation of ‘our is-was-will be-great-but a bit backward’ nation. We are overwhelmed.
But when the strobe lights are switched off…..only darkness persists.
Democratic, Socialist, Republican…these seem only words. They all seem to dissolve into a single word that seems bigger than any ideas, ideals and idealisms. CAPITAL. The alphabets of this word open their mouths wide to swallow every other word around that tends to defy it.
And a more closer look at the picture, when u light your own light in this darkness, keeping aside the strobes, reveals that the change, which a great soul claimed to be permanent, is no more of it. No traces of transformations are seen. The rate of development is same. The poor are poor. The unfortunate are unfortunate. Standing in the marsh of illiteracy, poverty and inadequency, they serve as supports for others who have played apt moves to stay above the marsh.
The changes dreamt of or left for the next decade of independence for their attainmant, still continue to rot to a worsely stinking slurry.
An activity to list the differences that really mean, if undertook, shall not enlist much other names than the bloating up of the economy. But how long shall this wave of raised market last??....The very basic infrastructure of improved manpower lacks, and not only lacks but continues to degrade with changing times. Those with ability to make difference sit crouched up in their own cocoons of scales and packages, whining over the extended work hours and working weekends. Others with a capability to make it, sit unbudged. And those gaining the power, rush overseas to save themselves from the dearth of opportunities, which instead of generating, they depend upon.
Restlessness rests amongst every soul, but a shower and prime time television at home is easily able to quash it. Media takes utmost advantage of it, and then sells itself to auctioners paying highest price.
Sellers sell. Earners buy. Buyers buy more. And everything sells.
What pledge did you talk about????....what pledge???....have we redeemed it???...Please tell me…Did we redeem the pledge????....Or was this the pledge that you were talking about……the pledge to bring the nation to this state…was this the destiny with which you had made a tryst????.....If it was……then….yes…we have redeemed….not substantially….but in whole measures.
A Pldge
Many Years ago we made a tryst with destiny. And now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge. Not wholly or in full measures…but substantially!!!!!
Okay now!!!!....We are sixty, We are Independent and We have a separate boundary on the world map. We also do have a flag and an army to defend it. Now the great soul….can you please tell me What pledge had to be redeemed???…No no no…m not doubting you if you had made any….I am just a bit curious. I just want to know what the pledge was. So that I can measure to what extent have we been successful in redeeming it. You also said sixty years ago that it had to be done substaintially. I am eager to know wether the substantial pace you mentioned has to what limits fulfilled the oath about which you spoke valiantly before a large assembly of White and Brown men, sixty years ago.
Why am I curious????.....No it is not that obvious for me to guess what the pledge was. I belong to a later generation. Generation born when American influence was either smuggled or brought in form of gifts from relatives settled there. Generation that took shape when pure Indian brands were sold and bought. And foreign brands that existed were very much a part of Indian life and were not the ravenous sharks swallowing every small and large Indian office on the path. We learnt the pledge when American dream did not rest unfulfilled in the eyes of those who taught us what it meant.
And for you…..we were a generation born after your daughter was killed. A generation born after two wars with the nation you once considered your own part. A generation born after the great Emergency. A generation born when India was still a bit of Democratic, Socialist, Republic and whatever the preamble declared it to be.
Now we’ve grown up. We see around. We see things have changed. We play with the thought of being the next superpower. We live in the honour of being an IT power. And we are clogged with high pay scales, multinationals, malls, multiplexes and names with fame spread all around the world. Our eyes are blindened by the strobe lights of development, advancement, empowerment, boom, growth and other such adjectives defining the augmentation of ‘our is-was-will be-great-but a bit backward’ nation. We are overwhelmed.
But when the strobe lights are switched off…..only darkness persists.
Democratic, Socialist, Republican…these seem only words. They all seem to dissolve into a single word that seems bigger than any ideas, ideals and idealisms. CAPITAL. The alphabets of this word open their mouths wide to swallow every other word around that tends to defy it.
And a more closer look at the picture, when u light your own light in this darkness, keeping aside the strobes, reveals that the change, which a great soul claimed to be permanent, is no more of it. No traces of transformations are seen. The rate of development is same. The poor are poor. The unfortunate are unfortunate. Standing in the marsh of illiteracy, poverty and inadequency, they serve as supports for others who have played apt moves to stay above the marsh.
The changes dreamt of or left for the next decade of independence for their attainmant, still continue to rot to a worsely stinking slurry.
An activity to list the differences that really mean, if undertook, shall not enlist much other names than the bloating up of the economy. But how long shall this wave of raised market last??....The very basic infrastructure of improved manpower lacks, and not only lacks but continues to degrade with changing times. Those with ability to make difference sit crouched up in their own cocoons of scales and packages, whining over the extended work hours and working weekends. Others with a capability to make it, sit unbudged. And those gaining the power, rush overseas to save themselves from the dearth of opportunities, which instead of generating, they depend upon.
Restlessness rests amongst every soul, but a shower and prime time television at home is easily able to quash it. Media takes utmost advantage of it, and then sells itself to auctioners paying highest price.
Sellers sell. Earners buy. Buyers buy more. And everything sells.
What pledge did you talk about????....what pledge???....have we redeemed it???...Please tell me…Did we redeem the pledge????....Or was this the pledge that you were talking about……the pledge to bring the nation to this state…was this the destiny with which you had made a tryst????.....If it was……then….yes…we have redeemed….not substantially….but in whole measures.
Labels: nation
Yeah... the pledge hasnt been redeemed...
But cmon yaar.. dont be so pessimistic.. even the america took a 100 yrs to be wht its now...
We r still a young nation.. the bureaucracy sucks... but i guess until the youth gets into the politics, the things r gonna remain the same ...
yeah.. poor remain poor.. the unfortunate remain the unfortunate ... but arent we better off as compared to 1947??
If u cant see the difference, u need to look at the other side of the border and u'll get the answer..
Being a superpower is still decades away.. but at least we r moving in the right direction. Someday the pledge will get redeemed.. hopefully b4 our generation dies!
Dude, nice post, really nice post...But do I agree with you?not entirely, but nicely done. Beautiful.
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